I just read a news from local newspaper about one of a hot topic among Britain’s parents, i.e. the online Miss Bimbo game. It is a new game in which girls as young as nine are encouraged to “buy” their virtual dolls breast operations and facelifts.
The aim of the Miss Bimbo beauty contest game is to become the “hottest, coolest, most famous bimbo in the whole world.”
Contestants who compete against each other are told to “stop at nothing,” even meds or plastic surgery,” to ensure their dolls win.
Children are given a naked virtual character to look after. They compete against other players to earn “bimbo” dollars so they can dress her in sexy outfits and take her clubbing.
They are given missions, including securing plastic surgery at the game’s clinic to give their dolls bigger breasts, and they have to keep her at her target weight with diet pills.
Although it is free to play, when the contestants run out of virtual cash they have to send text messages costing £1.50 (about RM10) each or use PayPal (an online payment service) to top up their accounts.
Bill Hibberd, of parents’ rights group Parentkind, said the game sent a dangerous
message to young girls.
“it is one thing if a child recognizes it as a silly
and stupid game,” he said. “But the danger is that a nine-year-old fails to
appreciate the irony and sees that bimbo as cool role model. Then the game
becomes a hazard and a menace.”
After I've read this article, I felt sad... For me, this game sent a wrong message to a little girl that physical look is very important. It's also can cause the little girl become materialistic... Nine years old, actually is age to learn and build up good morale and discipline...
What do you think?

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