Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pss... Something Is About To Happen...

Things are starting to get a lot more intense and I wanted to give you the heads up that something is about to happen.

Some people are openly talking about it.

Others are staying quiet and are keeping their best guess to themselves.

Either way, I think you should at least findout for yourself today.


P.S Apparently there is going to be somekind of exciting announcement at 9pm EST /6pm PST.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What's After The Inconvenient Truth...

Last year, we had watch the movie, "An Inconveniet Truth". It's about Global warming. It's a great movie to remind us about our planet, we need to take care of it. The issue is about Global Warming...

So, what's after the inconvenient truth...

Now, they have the obvious truth...

Just watch this video...

p/s: There's a surprise at the end of the video clip... Stay tune..