What is "Wealth Profile Square"? Because of my curiousity, I really find out what is it all about?
I got the answers from "Wealth Dynamics CD set" and book, "Your Life Your Legacy" by Roger Hamilton.
Fantastic! I started to understand how important the personal "Wealth Profile" affect my results. Sometimes I can't understand why the results failed? But now, I understand that difference wealth profiles will give difference results. I must follow my own wealth profile and follow back the right journey...
Roger Hamilton mentioned this
wealth = levarage x value
"Wealth isn't how much money you have, it is what you're left with if you lose all your money." Truely wealthy people have something call attraction.
From the fomula, there is no one man show!
Everybody understand their own wealth profile, so that, everybody will in the correct position. Just like Bill Gate, is a creator, he focuses on his area of greatest passion and contribution: innovation, and leaves the dat-to-day management of his company to others.
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