After her description, I just wondering is there any book that really inspired me and cause me take action.

"The Success Principles" by Jack Canfield. This book inspired me a lot, it's cause my brain aware a lot of successful theories. I realized what are the reasons hold me back, and I still struggle in a circle...
When I first time hold this book, I just wondering how am I going to finish it? Cause it contains 455 pages and 64 chapters! Wow! By that time, I really doubt myself. Before that, I've never complete one english book, it's really challenge!!!!
I forced myself must read two chapters everyday and I've finished it around two months time. After I've finished it, I went celebrate with my friends and announced my success....^_^
Below are some contents that really aware me...
Chapter 1: Take 100% responsibility for yourlife
..."If you want to create the life of your dreams, then you are going to have to take 100% responsibility for your life as well. That means giving up all your excuses, all your victim stories, all the reasons why you can't and why you haven't up until now...."
Chapter 4: Believe It's Possible
..."This is why it's so important to hold positive expectations in your mind. When you replace your old negative expectations with more positive ones---when you begin to believe that what you want is possible--your brain will actually take over the job of accomplishing that possibiliaty for you. Better than that, your brain will actually expect to achieve that outcome."
Chapter 22: Practice Persistence
..."Having lost his right leg to cancer, Terry Fox embarked on cross-Canada run called the Marathon of Hope in 1980 to raise money for cancer research. His shuffle-and-hop running style took him about 24 miles per day-close to a complete 26-mile marathon every single day--with an artificial leg! He managed to run for 143 days covered 3,339 miles from his starting point in St. John's, Newfoundland....."
Chapter 28: Clean up your messes and your incompletes
..."When we don't throw away clutter and items we no longer need, it's as if we don't trust our ability to manifest the necessary abundance in our lives to buy new ones. But incompletes like this keep that very abundance from showing up. We need to complete the past so that our present can show up more fully."
More and more...
I learned the important of persistency, consistency, responsibility, focus, goals setting....
Actually this become my "success bible", I love it. ^_^
1 comment:
Where is the picture from?
Try and Win!
There will be a picture per day...
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