Because of him, Mack Victor Hansen, my friend, Xue Wen and I attended NAC 2007 at Kuala Lumpur. I felt excited when took photo with him. One of my goal is to meet him and get his autograph. Wow! My dream came true. I just want to share the photos to everybody and share my happiness. Just like what he always say, we must very clear what we really want.
Another person I wish to meet is Jack Canfield, Mack's partner! ^_^

"The One Minute Millionaire
" is one of my favorite book. It's actually two books in one - a nonfiction book and a novel.
Because of the differant learning styles, so this book contain two books in one. Generally, they are either "artists" or "engineer". The artists among you are right-brain "visual" learners. You engineers are left-brain "logical" learners.
I'm a chemist, that's the reason I always belong to the left-brain "logical" learner. So, I started read all the contents on the left side of the book.
But, I also started to train my right brain. ^_^
What most impressed me are all the AHAs in this book. All the AHAs become so important in daily activity, like AHA no 5, Givers Get, AHA no 7,Words Transform...
I just appreciate Mack and Allen.